Cities and towns are places where people choose to raise families, find gainful employment, operate businesses and contribute to the well-being of their communities.
Across the United States – quality education, community safety and job opportunities are mission critical to building vibrant and sustainable communities. These and other characteristics contribute to the quality of life in places in which we live and do business.
Locally elected officials make policy and investments that contribute to a high quality of life as well as to the economic opportunities people of all ages and backgrounds seek for themselves, their families and their employees.
To me, this means making prudent decisions to ensure the communities we lead do, in fact, have the requisite pillars for economic success, because quality of life begins with a paycheck or earnings opportunity, making the livability of a community inextricably linked to its economic performance.
To be the CEO – “Chief Elected Official” – charged with driving your community’s agenda forward to create sustainable economic vitality and ensure a high quality of life for the people you have been elected to represent, is not only invigorating, but also a daunting yet hugely rewarding job.
I would venture to say nothing is more important to community success and sustainability than a vibrant quality of life for all citizens – one that is grounded in sound economic underpinnings.
– Mayor Christian Price, City of Maricopa and President, League of Arizona Cities and Towns